Saturday 7 May 2016

ae unfolding cityscape

MGMT - All We Ever Wanted Was Everything from oneedo on Vimeo.

In this lesson experimented with the page-turner technique on After Effects and used cameras to give an effect of a slow pan out from a 3D environment. We looked at the MGMT music video presented above, for inspiration and took not of how the scene seemed to unfold as the video progressed.
The first task was to create our own scene on illustrator ensuring that each of the areas of the scene which I wanted to unfold were on separate layers. I then added texture to one of the layers in order to add a sense of depth and to better differentiate these layers more effectively. Next I applied the page turning effect to each of the shapes from the bottom to the stop in order to convey the effect of them being slowly pasted into place. The final step was to add a camera which panned from the background to the foreground of the vector environment which I feel really rounded off the video.

I went for a simple landscape in order to ensure a better understanding of the techniques used and I was quite happy with the way my unfolding city turned out.

Unfolding City from Elissa Boswell on Vimeo.

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