Saturday 7 May 2016

Sketch Effect Animation (Using Clipping Masks)

Forest: Just One Day from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

In the week's After Effects session I learnt how to use clipping masks in order to convey an effect a digital image being hand-sketched. I began by drawing a simple shape and drew over it twice using tracing paper. This would create three separate images which appeared identical to the naked eye but would in fact be slightly different due to them being hand-drawn. I specifically created 3 different versions of the image as when overlaid it would create a flickering effect when looped. With an even number of images a pattern may be more noticeable and this would not be beneficial in achieving the sketchy hand-drawn effect we were going for. After overlaying and looping the images we used a clipping mask to draw over the lines in the way we would like the to appear on screen. I tried to work from the bottom to the top of the diamond but it was difficult to make this appear as one continuous line as the shape was made up of so many lines which went in different directions.

Overall I was happy with my final outcome and even added a little twinkle to the diamond to finish off the video.

James Braithwaite - I Met the Walrus from POCKO on Vimeo.
Clipping Path Diamond from Elissa Boswell on Vimeo.

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