Saturday 7 May 2016

Stop Motion Analogue Communique - Let Go

letgo from Elissa Boswell on Vimeo.

In this week's session I decided to use the same medium of cotton wool but to form a slightly different message. I chose to use the phrase 'Let go' as I felt this was something I could portray effectively through the cloud-like appearance of my materials.
I began by creating a template using tracing paper. This didn't have to be too precise at this stage as I was aware that I would make a further template from acetate and then cover this with the cotton wool. I deliberately made the template of the two words joined together as my plan was to create a stop motion video of the two words separating much like clouds would in the sky. I felt this technique would not only connected the motion to the words but also the material I had used.
Once I had made the acetate template I tacked it down to a board and cut it in the areas where I wanted the letters to separate. This meant that I could keep the words together for the application of the cotton and also that the material would separate more naturally when I pulled the acetate apart. I then used pva glue to stick on the cotton wool ensuring that all areas of the plastic were covered. Finally I laid the piece out on the same blue background I have previously used in the analogue communique project and separated the letters taking photographs at every step. I tried to keep each movement slight and kept in mind the movement of clouds and how they would move independently.
I was really happy with my final outcome as I feel it gave off the effect I was striving for.

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