Saturday 7 May 2016

CAD - Dynamic Type

In this lesson we created dynamic 3D typography in cinema 4D. The first thing we did was create a particle emitter. This is what would allow us to drop our letters.
Next we created 4 individual letters and made them a 'child' of the emitter.
Next I added a dynamic body tag to all of the letters which gave them mass so they would interact with each other rather than just moving straight down. 

Then I added a large letter E and a floor, for all the letters to fall on and interact with further.

Next I added different colours to each of the letters so that they would be more easily distinguishable when they where falling. Finally I added some spotlights and shadows and rendered out the final result 

Overall, I am not particularly happy with the final result but am very happy with the techniques I learnt. These are definitely tools I would like to use and experiment with in future.

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